Douar el Graya Weather
Current: 24.94°C/76.89°F, Wind SW at 10.94 km/h, 61% Humidity, 0% Chance of rain
- Douar el Graya Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Douar el Graya over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Douar el Graya in the coming days
- Rainfall in Douar el Graya in the coming days
- Bizerte's weather
- Comments
Current conditions
Updated: 23:53 PM Friday 20 September 2024
Pressure: hPa
Sea level: hPa
Temperature: °C
Cloud: %
Humidity: %
Wind: km/h
Visibility: m
17 Sep
Light Rain
18 Sep
Clear Sky
19 Sep
Light Rain
20 Sep
Light Rain
21 Sep
Broken Clouds
Hourly forecast today:
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 26.4°C
- Average low 22.15°C
- Hottest day (09 October 2024) 31.38°C
- Coldest day (14 October 2024) 18.04°C
- Average humidity 64.37%
- Days with precipitation 7 days
- Highest precipitation 13.11 mm (27 September 2024)
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 19°C
- Min: 12°C
- Total Precipitation: 0 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Bizerte over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Bizerte in the coming days
Rainfall in Bizerte in the coming days
Bizerte's weather
- Al Azib
- Bani Ata'
- Dawwar Goungla
- Douar Abdallah
- Douar Amor Cherina
- Douar Belghout
- Douar Ben Chelbi
- Douar Ben Mannsour
- Douar Ben Sadek
- Douar Beni Oudzil
- Douar Besbessia
- Douar Bou Chenina
- Douar Brahim Ben Rahal
- Douar Dahmani
- Douar Douimis
- Douar ech Cheniti
- Douar ed Douimis
- Douar el Aouachia
- Douar el Assafir
- Douar el Beida
- Douar el Feja
- Douar el Graya
- Douar el Haj Mohammed
- Manzil Abd ar Rahman
- Mateur Hached
- Sidi Ferdjani
- Teskraya
- Zirba
- Ra's al Jabal
- Rafraf
- Sajanan
- Sidi Ali ash Shabab
- Sounine
- Tamera
- Tinja
- Utique
- Utique Nouvelle
- Ain Ghelal
- Al Aliyah
- Al Matlin
- Awsajah
- Az Zawawin
- Bashatir
- Bazina
- Bizerte
- Dawwar Hammadah
- Dawwar Tinjah
- Dechour Marraoua
- Douar Ain Ghelal
- Douar Ali Ben Amara
- Douar Baya Rassa
- Douar Bel Aid
- Douar Ben Amara
- Douar Ben Aouda
- Douar Ben Hamda ech Chrif
- Douar Ben Hamouda el Klia
- Douar Ben Mosbah
- Douar Ben Nasseur
- Douar Ben Nour
- Douar Ben Said
- Douar Ben Tiba
- Douar Beni Oussel
- Douar Berna
- Douar Bessouf
- Douar Bir Abd el Ghim
- Douar Bir es Soula
- Douar Bou Jourane
- Douar Bou Rkane
- Douar Cheikh Ali
- Douar Dagma
- Douar Dar Ammar
- Douar Dar Ramel
- Douar Douahria
- Douar ech Chaouia
- Douar ech Chatib
- Douar ech Cherif
- Douar ed Demane ez Zaa
- Douar ed Douira
- Douar ej Jenane
- Douar el Agha
- Douar el Aich Ben Hamza
- Douar el Arab
- Douar el Arianout
- Douar el Bachir
- Douar el Bakhia
- Douar el Bezazia
- Douar el Blate
- Douar el Faroua
- Douar el Felta
- Douar el Ghirane
- Douar el Guezadri
- Douar el Haj Bou Amra
- Ghar al Milh
- Joumine
- La Pecherie
- Manzil Bu Ruqaybah
- Manzil Jamil
- Matir
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Air quality
Moderate air quality, health effects possible for sensitive people, general public usually unaffected
- CO 236.99
- NH3 0.03
- NO 0.02
- NO2 0.78
- O3 103
- PM10 6.18
- PM25 4.17
- SO2 0.45
Sunrise / Sunset
12:06 PM
00:20 AM