Jendouba, Tunisia Weather
Current: 23.04°C/73.47°F, Wind SW at 7.92 km/h, 64% Humidity, 24% Chance of rain
- Jendouba, Tunisia Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Jendouba over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Jendouba in the coming days
- Rainfall in Jendouba in the coming days
- Jendouba Weather Summary
- Weather averages by month
- Jendouba's weather
- Frequently asked questions
- Comments
Current conditions
Condition: Broken Clouds
Pressure: 1,014 hPa
Sea level: 1,014 hPa
Temperature: 23.07°C
Cloud: 56%
Humidity: 64%
Wind: NNW 4.32 km/h
Visibility: 10,000 m
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 27.07°C
- Average low 19.83°C
- Hottest day (23 September 2024) 31.44°C
- Coldest day (10 October 2024) 17.05°C
- Average humidity 55.8%
- Days with precipitation 9 days
- Highest precipitation 9.09 mm (21 September 2024)
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 32°C
- Min: 19°C
- Total Precipitation: 0 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Jendouba over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Jendouba in the coming days
Rainfall in Jendouba in the coming days
Jendouba Climate Summary
Jendouba features a Mediterranean, hot summer (Köppen classification: Csa), with an average annual temperature of 19.75ºC (67.55ºF), which is about -1.34% lower than the national average for Tunisia. Annually, the city experiences approximately 48.05 millimeters (1.89 inches) of rainfall, spread across 95.36 rainy days, accounting for 26.13% of the year.
Longitude | 36.5072263 |
Latitude | 8.7756556 |
Yearly high temperature | 23.35ºC (74.03ºF) |
Yearly low temperature | 13.16ºC (55.69ºF) |
Hottest month | August 35.08ºC (95.14ºF) |
Coldest month | February 4.23ºC (39.61ºF) |
Yearly precip | 48.05mm (1.89in) |
Days with rainfall | 95.36 days (26.13%) |
Driest month | July (42.01%) |
Wettest month | March (75.18%) |
Weather averages by month
Month | High / Low (°C) | Rain |
January | 13.21° / 5.16° | 10.73 days |
February | 13.93° / 4.23° | 11.0 days |
March | 16.87° / 6.04° | 12.18 days |
April | 21.2° / 8.97° | 9.64 days |
May | 25.41° / 13.23° | 7.45 days |
June | 31.56° / 19.05° | 4.91 days |
July | 35.42° / 22.91° | 2.36 days |
August | 35.08° / 23.66° | 4.36 days |
September | 29.63° / 20.61° | 7.36 days |
October | 24.92° / 16.45° | 7.55 days |
November | 18.69° / 10.82° | 8.64 days |
December | 14.23° / 6.85° | 9.18 days |
Jendouba's weather
- Chalbi
- Ahmad al Hakim
- Ain Essobh
- Argoub Mechtat
- Babush
- Baltah
- Bin Bashir
- Dawwar `Ali Bin az Zayn
- Douar Bou Maa
- Douar el Haj Salah
- Douar Mermel
- Douar Ouled Avad
- El Achaichia
- El Houanize
- El Kilam
- Et Tahma
- Hammam el Fezoua
- Jendouba
- Jerbna
- Les Chenes
- Mechta Berzig
- Mohammed Ben Bel Kassem
- Oulad Maalla
- Rirane
- Rmel es Safsaf
- Shimtu
- Sidi `Ali Bin `Abd Allah
- Sidi Bou Choucha
- Sottart Bou Lares
- Tabarqah
- Wadi Maliz
- Ahmed Ben Ali
- Al Firnanah
- Ayn ad Darahim
- Azib el Mroug
- Bi'r al Kudayyat
- Bin Metir
- Bou Edima
- Bu Salim
- Dawwar Sidi Salih Bin Husayn
- Douar Atouama
- Douar Douaidia
- Douar el Bheira
- Douar el Haj Ahmed
- Douar Jendouba
- Douar Kabyle
- Douar Moulaheneche
- Douar Oulad el Kalaa
- Douar Oulad Moumen
- Douar Ouled Bou Zaria
- Douar Sidi Amor
- Ech Cheikh Azzouz
- El Haj Amor
- El Hammam
- El Khelij
- El Kheriba
- El Mouajene
- El Redir
- En Merhamcha
- Er Rmep
- Ghar ad Dima'
- Hammam Bourguiba
- Ksour Lireba
- Lallah `A'ishah al Mourakchia
- Mahmoud Ben el Haj
- Mashta al Anad
- Mohammed Bessais
- Mostfa Ben Maamer
- Mrabia Halima
- Ra's ar Raml
- Rmel Ben Msadek
- Sidi Abd Allah
- Sidi Abd el Melek
- Sidi Ahmed
- Sidi Atmane el Haddad
- Sidi az Zaouem
- Sidi Bu Zaytunah
- Sidi es Sabbih
- Sidi Meskine
- Souk et Tleta
- Souk Jemaa Jendouba
- Tarf el Mcherga
Frequently asked questions
1. What is the hottest month in Jendouba?
August has the highest average monthly temperature (daily mean of 35.08ºC) and February are the coolest (daily mean of 4.23ºC).
2. What should I wear in Jendouba today?
For today's very hot weather in Jendouba, with the high temperatures above 32ºC (89.6ºF), consider wearing:
- Broad-brimmed sun hat
- Light, natural fabrics (like cotton or linen)
- High SPF sunscreen for outdoor activities
- Ultra-thin, breathable socks
Comments (0)
- Latest first
- Highest rated
Air quality
Moderate air quality, health effects possible for sensitive people, general public usually unaffected
- CO 216.96
- NH3 0.71
- NO 0
- NO2 2.83
- O3 115.87
- PM10 16.69
- PM25 5.74
- SO2 0.81